Liturgical Ministries

“There are different gifts but the same Spirit, there are different ministries but the same Lord … To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”  
1 Corinthians, 12:4-7

Every person is called to contribute to the liturgy in a manner suited to his or her unique talents.  It takes the help of many people serving in a variety of different liturgical ministries to help the liturgy flow smoothly and enable the participation of the assembly.  

We invite you to prayerfully reflect on the gifts God has given you and consider volunteering your talents for one of our liturgical ministries.


Spiritual formation and hands-on task training is provided to help you get started in all of the listed ministries.


Liturgical ministers are scheduled at the Mass time of their preference as often as fits their schedule and are asked to arrive 20 minutes before their scheduled Mass begins.


Unless otherwise noted, please contact the parish office for more information about any of the following ministries and to find out when training will be held.

Select below for more details